10 healthy snacks to snack between meals and not get fat

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By pro_admin

All nutritionists recommend eating about five or six meals a day to keep the metabolism active and eliminate accumulated fat. To snack between meals you can go to a series of totally healthy snacks that will prevent you from gaining weight and help you satisfy hunger. Take note of the following 10 snacks that you can snack on without problems and without any remorse.

10 healthy snacks to take between meals

Raisins. If you feel like eating something sweet, you can try some delicious raisins as they are very low in calories and are really nutritious for your health. In addition to this, they are very diuretic and rich in antioxidants.

Ham. Despite popular belief, Serrano ham is relatively healthy for the body and contains very few calories. Take a toast, put some ham and water with olive oil. It is a perfect snack to take in the middle of the morning.

Dried apricots. The apricots are dried apricot and are perfect for snacking between meals. They have very few calories and are rich in fiber and minerals such as iron or magnesium.

Dark chocolate. If you want to calm your cravings for sweet, you can treat yourself by drinking an ounce of dark chocolate. Its caloric intake is not very large and its moderate consumption helps strengthen heart health. 

Oat bran. A perfect alternative for the snack is to take some oat bran along with a little skimmed, a little fruit and a touch of cinnamon. It is a perfect dish to avoid gaining weight while very nutritious.

Nuts. A handful of nuts mid-morning will help you satisfy hunger quickly and provide you with a series of nutrients such as healthy fats of the omega 3 type.

Skimmed yogurt. It is another perfect food to take mid-morning without having to worry about its calories. You can take it with pieces of fruit and with a little cereals.

Boiled egg. It does not reach 100 calories and it is a fairly nutritious food thanks to its proteins and minerals such as iron.

Pickles. Another snack that you can take without problems in the middle of the morning are pickles. You can find it from numerous ingredients and they will help you get rid of hunger quickly and effectively.

Frurtas salad. Take two or three pieces of fruit and cut them into pieces. Water with a little orange juice and you have ready a delicious fruit salad really nutritious and with few calories

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