5 delicious breakfast recipes with chia to keep the line

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By pro_admin

One of the most used ingredients for breakfast, lunch and snacks is chia. These seeds have numerous benefits for our body and allow us to integrate them into rich, easy and very healthy recipes to maintain the line. It is what we know as a superfood for its great contribution of fiber, antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids, iron and calcium.

The only thing you should keep in mind when incorporating chia into your daily diet is that you need to leave the seeds “soak” for at least 10 minutes before eating them. This will cause them to swell and absorb all the liquid in which you have put them, which can be juice, milk, water, yogurt … It will be your body’s way of absorbing them as well. Otherwise you will simply delete them.

If you are thinking of preparing delicious recipes with these superseeds, here are 5 ideas for breakfast with chia that you will love to try: healthy and quick to make!

Breakfast ideas with chia

With these breakfasts, no more hearing your stomach roar at 10:30 in the morning. They will satiate you and keep you active and energized throughout the day! Notes!

1Banana and chia


+250 ml semi-skimmed or vegetable milk

+4 tablespoons chia

+A handful of oats

+1 banana

+A tablespoon of honey

Step by step:

Pour the milk with the honey into a bowl until diluted and then add the chia seeds. This mixture can be left made the night before so that the seeds soak well. The next day, you can add oatmeal (although you can also do it before leaving the mixture in the fridge to soak. As you like!) Then, it would only be left to chop the banana on top when you are going to eat it. It will give you energy to face the day although, of course, you can add all the fruits you want.

2Cocoa and chia smoothie


+One tablespoon of pure cocoa powder 0%

+A tablespoon of chia

+200 ml de leche

+150 gramos de melocotón

Paso a paso:

Trocea el melocotón y mételo en el vaso de la batidora junto a la leche, el cacao y la chía (que habrá estado “a remojo” previamente. Puedes haberlo hecho en la propia leche que vas a utilizar).

Pass the mixer and add, if it is too thick for your liking, more milk or even water until you get the desired texture. Then, enjoy!

3Varied fruits with chia


+200 ml milk (the type you like best)

+A kiwi and several strawberries (you can put the fruits that you like the most)

+Two tablespoons of chia

+A spoon of agave syrup

+10 grams of walnuts or almonds

Step by step:

The night before, put the milk with the chia in a glass and let it rest. When you get up for breakfast, add the syrup and chopped fruits (save a few pieces for the end). Mix everything up very well. Then, put the rest of the fruit on top and add the nuts. Ready!

4Oatmeal and chia pancakes


+A cup of oatmeal

+A cup of skim milk

+A small tablespoon of stevia

+Half a teaspoon of cinnamon

+Two tablespoons of chia

+Half a glass of water

+A small tablespoon of vanilla essence

Step by step:

As we have done in the rest of the recipes, we put the chia seeds in the glass of water, so that they swell. We waited about half an hour and then we started with the preparation of breakfast!

In a bowl mix the oatmeal, skimmed milk, cinnamon, stevia and vanilla essence. Next, add the chia seeds and beat well until the mixture is uniform.

Grease a nonstick pan with a little oil (you can add a drop and scrub it with the help of a kitchen paper) and heat it. When it is ready, pour a saucepan of the mixture and let it spread on the surface of the pan while it is simmering. We will see that small bubbles are forming and slowly peeling off. We turn it over and let it be done a little. Then repeat the process with the rest of the mixture. Remember to grease the pan a little every time you go to make a pancake.

To finish, it remains to add the accompaniment: fruit, nuts, jam … you name it!

5Yogurt and chia with berries


+A skimmed yogurt

+Varied red fruits

+Oatmeal (optional)

+Skim milk

Step by step:

Place the chia seeds in the yogurt and let them rest for at least 30 minutes (you can also leave it the night before). At the time of consuming it, add a splash of milk so that it is more liquid (you can add as much as you like until you leave the mixture more or less thick).

Then, pour the oatmeal over it (if you have decided to put it too) or, simply, add the red fruits. Mmm… Delicious and very healthy!

Do you dare to include chia in your diet? Not only will you enjoy the delicious dishes that can be prepared with these seeds, but you will also be able to maintain the line and you will always be perfect. What more could you ask for?

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