5 healthy snacks for a balanced snack

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By pro_admin

According to nutrition experts it is advisable to make about 5 meals a day to keep the metabolism fully active by continuously burning calories. At mid-morning it is good to eat some kind of snack or healthy starter that allows you to satisfy hunger. Then I will recommend a series of healthy and nutritious snacks for you to include in your daily diet.

5 healthy snacks to take care of the line

Vegetable sticks. There is nothing healthier and easier to do than delicious vegetable sticks. Take a piece of celery, a carrot or a cucumber and cut them into small sticks to satisfy hunger. It is a fairly healthy and nutritious snack that you can take mid-morning without problems.

Nuts. If you want to eat something mid-morning that gives you energy and various nutrients to the body you can not forget about nuts. They are really beneficial foods for health and provide a multitude of minerals and vitamins to the body. Due to its high caloric intake you should not exceed its consumption.

Hummus. Another type of fairly healthy snack that you can take mid-morning is hummus. It is a chickpea puree that you can accompany with a little pita bread and that will provide you with a large number of proteins in addition to satisfying your appetite.

Vegetable chips. Another way to eat vegetables in a healthy way is to cut a zucchini or a little pumpkin into very thin slices and put in the oven. Once golden and crispy you can take out of the oven and enjoy these delicious vegetable chips.

Macedonia of fruits. A final recommendation to prepare a healthy snack is a delicious fruit salad. Take fruits that you like and cut them into small cubes. Bathe with a little syrup and put the fruit salad in the fridge. Once cold, take it out of the fridge and enjoy this nutritious appetizer.

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