There are many people who decide to abandon a certain diet due to the fact that they cannot perfectly satisfy their appetite, going hungry day after day. If this is your case and you want to boast of a good figure, do not lose detail and take good note of five foods that will allow you to satiate completely.
5 foods to satisfy hunger
+ Lean proteins. Protein is the best nutrient that exists when it comes to satisfying the appetite. In the event that you don’t feel full, you can choose to eat a couple of cans of tuna in olive oil before the meal. Apart from tuna, you can choose to eat other types of lean proteins such as turkey or chicken. You can make a couple of grilled turkey breast or chicken fillets accompanied by delicious sautéed vegetables. Remember to eat proteins that are lean as they are much healthier and contain fewer calories than normal proteins.
+ Spaghetti zucchini and pumpkin. If you are in love with pasta but you are on a regimen to eliminate a few extra kilos, do not worry because you can make delicious zucchini and pumpkin spaghetti and satisfy all your appetite. There are many people who, in order to stay at their ideal weight, have opted for the idea of grating a zucchini or pumpkin and getting a really healthy and nutritious pasta dish.
+ Fruit. Fiber is another type of nutrient that helps you calm hunger. This fiber is mainly found in fruits so it is a good idea to take a piece of them mid-morning or mid-afternoon. The good thing about fruit is that it is quite healthy and very low in calories so it is perfect to take while following a certain weight loss plan. Do not hesitate to eat apples, bananas or oranges.
+ Oat. Another food you should eat to satisfy hunger is oatmeal. It is a cereal that provides a good amount of carbohydrates of the complex type and that you can take during breakfast. It is important not to overdo it when it comes to its consumption since it provides many calories. A good cup of oatmeal with some milk and some chopped fruits will help you calm hunger and have a lot of energy to face the workday in a perfect way.
+ Water. On many occasions hunger is confused with thirst so it is essential to stay hydrated at all times. It is advisable to drink about two liters of water a day so that the body can purify itself in the best possible way. If you are very hungry, you should drink a couple of glasses of water before eating and in this way you feel fuller and the appetite disappears.