Eating out means in many cases not worrying about a healthy and balanced diet and opting for a faster and much more caloric type of food. If you usually eat out because of your work, do not miss a detail of the steps you must follow to make a perfect and nutritious tupperware with which to eat throughout the week.
5 steps to make the ideal tupperware to eat at work
+Nutritious and balanced. When making the tupperware that you have to take to work, it is important that it is nutritious and balanced. In this way you get to nourish the body perfectly.
+Proteins. Lean proteins can not be missing in the tupperware as they are important for the body and do not provide too much fat to it. Foods such as eggs and dairy products should be present in the tupperware.
+Fibre. Fiber is quite important as it helps satisfy appetite and promotes digestion. That is why you should add foods such as fruit, vegetables or nuts.
+Healthy fats. Another element that can not be missing in your weekly tupperware are healthy fats. This type of fats are quite beneficial for the body so you can use olive oil, nuts or avocados when making this tupperware.
+Liquids. The body must be perfectly hydrated so you should regularly ingest enough liquid. For this you must opt for water or other types of drinks such as infusions or natural juices.