5 tips to maintain the diet if you eat away from home

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By pro_admin

Following a diet is not something that can be taken lightly and requires perseverance and tenacity to achieve the desired results. In the event that you decide to eat out, because you have a family meeting or because you decide to stay with friends, you should take note of the following tips that will help you follow the diet and lose those extra kilos of your body.

5 tips to follow the diet when eating out

Eat something before leaving. Before you go out to eat, you can choose to take a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts that help you calm your appetite and avoid eating more calories than you really need to lose weight.

Drink water. Avoid consuming overly caloric drinks such as sugary drinks at all times and choose to drink water. In this way you will quench your thirst and avoid ingesting totally unnecessary calories.

Choose healthy foods. Eating out doesn’t mean you can consume whatever you want. Choose those foods that are healthier and have fewer calories such as vegetables. Fried foods, sauces or sugary drinks are prohibited.

Share dessert. In the event that you decide to enjoy a good dessert, it is advisable that you share it with someone to avoid eating it whole. This way you can treat yourself to eating something sweet without feeling bad about it.

No snacking. Snacking before eating is totally forbidden since there are many calories that your body ingests. Avoid starters and opt to order a main course that is healthy and does not contain any saturated fats.

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