8 habits to deflate the belly and feel light

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By pro_admin

Do you feel very heavy every day and want to know how to deflate your belly? The first thing is to analyze how your day to day is. You should ask yourself if they are excessively agitated and stressed and what your diet is like. If you eat breakfast so quickly in the morning, you can barely enjoy a warm coffee; Then, at lunch, you don’t even get up from your place and gobble up a sandwich in front of the computer; Not to mention that the only sport you do is run from the office to your children’s school to end up in the supermarket, buying a pre-cooked dish for dinner, because you don’t have time to put on your apron. Maybe you’re the kind of woman “too busy” to eat healthy or maybe it’s just a matter of changing and modifying habits and routines.

Goal: eat better, deflate the belly and feel light

Do you want to end all this and start feeling good? Slow down your day to day a little and rediscover the pleasure of eating and living better! From Manzanaroja, Your personalized diet, they have prepared a decalogue with healthy habits to follow to deflatten the belly and feel light.

Take the time to eat healthy

Nutritional deficiencies, a diet too rich in fat and salt, an excess of precooked products to the detriment of fresh and genuine food cause inflammation and swelling. To feel good and deflate your belly it is important that you change your priorities: eating healthy and following a varied and complete diet is a matter of time, so try to find it!

Eat slowly and chew well

“The first digestion takes place in the mouth.” How many times, when you were a child, did your mother repeat this phrase to remind you to chew well? And she was right! Often, the inflammation and heaviness you feel at the end of the meal is caused by the fact that you eat on the run. If you eat too quickly, you don’t chew food properly. You risk swallowing too much air and face digestive problems. Eating slowly, on the other hand, helps digestion, because the well-crushed bite is more easily attacked by gastric juices, which can thus better demolish the food ingested. Also, if you eat slowly, you assimilate nutrients better and give your brain time to receive the satiety signal from the stomach. The result? You don’t risk gobbling up more food and more calories than you need and you don’t feel heavy at the end of a meal.

Always make 5 meals a day

When you live in a hurry, the temptation to skip meals due to lack of time is very strong. If you wonder how to deflate the stomach, you should know that there is nothing more wrong than skipping meals, because in addition to subjecting the body to stress and depriving it of the energy and nutrients it needs, you run the risk of arriving hungry at the next meal and eating food too quickly and in excessive quantities compared to your needs.

Take probiotics

Inflammation, heaviness or slow digestion are signs of an alteration of your intestinal flora, which has lost its natural defenses, probiotics. These microorganisms, capable of resisting gastric acid and bile, adhering to cells, producing bactericidal substances and colonizing the intestine, can modulate the balance of intestinal bacterial flora and improve the immune system. For example, consuming a yogurt a day is a healthy habit that helps you preserve the balance of your intestinal flora, providing your stomach with well-being and lightness.

Join fiber products

A somewhat lazy gut can cause inflammation and discomfort. If you want to know how to deflate your belly, start with taking fibers, which promote digestion and intestinal transit, and help you recover regularity and combat the feeling of inflammation, which is often a consequence of constipation. That’s why cereals, but also vegetables like artichokes (which contain both soluble and insoluble fibers), cabbages and carrots, fruits (especially apples, pears and kiwis) and legumes should be present in your daily diet. 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, for example, ensure you 25 grams of fiber, the recommended daily dose.

Don’t forget about legumes

Legumes are an ally to counteract intestinal laziness because, thanks to the cellulose they contain, they favor the elimination of waste through feces. That is why they represent an important food to include in your diet and recover well-being, regularity and being able to show off a flat stomach.

Do you have trouble digesting them and feel a little swollen after eating them? It happens because, like potatoes and cabbage, they are composed of carbohydrates that tend to ferment in the gut and therefore, in some people, can promote gas production. In these cases it is advisable to introduce them gradually into your diet and consume them in moderate quantities.

Drink plenty of water

During the day you are so busy that you forget to drink and at night you feel exhausted and heavy. It happens because you are depriving your body of an essential element for its proper functioning. In fact, it is precisely water that allows soluble fibers to perform their function: when absorbed they tend to swell, press on the intestinal walls and promote the speed of transit. If, on the other hand, you do not drink enough, intestinal functions and also the assimilation of nutrients decrease. In addition, water has a diuretic and purifying effect, helps you eliminate toxins and combat retention, so it is doubly useful to counteract the feeling of inflammation and heaviness.

Out chewing gum and fizzy drinks

Chewing gum and carbonated drinks, including sparkling water, aren’t too good for your stomach health. The first because they cause a greater intake of air and the second because carbon dioxide is added, which can contribute to making your abdomen “swell”, giving you an unpleasant inflamed belly, so it is better to avoid them!

Debug yourself with an herbal tea

Teas are doubly useful. If you are a person who does not like to drink water, they are the perfect alternative to keep you hydrated, even more, if you choose infusions with a digestive, draining and purifying effect, which can help you reduce inflammation of the stomach and give you a flatter belly.

Eliminate laziness and move!

Playing sports contributes to your well-being generates: tones, relaxes muscles and joints and also helps you to perform a better digestion. If you’re lazy, in fact, even your gut becomes lazy and it’s easy for constipation and inflammation to appear. To stay active, it does not take as much time as you think, just 30 minutes of sport a day or a brisk walk to get back in shape!

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