“Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.” Hippocrates, the father of Medicine, already sentenced him more than 2,000 years ago and today this phrase is still in full force. The foods we eat are not only our main source of energy, they also provide health and well-being to our body.
In the summer months there is an excessive consumption of exciting and caffeinated soft drinks, unhealthy snacks, meals away from home, excess hours of sunshine … All this leads to caloric excess and greater cellular oxidation.
There are several diets with which to reduce fats (lipids) and sugars (carbohydrates). We propose the one recommended by H&H Aesthetic Medicine, which helps you promote a balanced diet and guarantees food safety. With a few simple guidelines you will quickly cleanse the body of the excesses committed during the summer.
After a long fast after sleep, our rested body prepares for activity and therefore it is necessary to provide the necessary carbohydrates to obtain that energy, along with the best antioxidants that exist in nature. Notes:
. A piece of seasonal fruit of about 100 to 120 grs., guarantees the antioxidant effect.
tag. A dairy 0% fat (skimmed yogurt or 100 grs. of fresh cheese).
A toast of whole
wheat bread. Tea or infusions
If we have committed too many excesses with fats and alcohol, we should purify our main liver filter, and for this we can resort to a natural remedy, which is to take 20 minutes before breakfast a teaspoon of olive oil and a spoon of lemon with a large glass of water.
When between 2 hours and 1/2 and 3 hours and 1/2 after breakfast have elapsed, we propose an infusion + 2 slices of pork shoulder or turkey. Sugary drinks and soft drinks, including light drinks, are prohibited.
A generous portion of the following vegetables, seasoned with a teaspoon of oil, half a teaspoon of vinegar and salt sensibly: chard, broccoli, borage, zucchini, lettuce, mushrooms, endive, spinach, cucumber, green peppers or arugula.
In a more limited way (max. 150 grs. / day) we will consume tomatoes, artichokes, asparagus, red pepper, mushrooms, thin green beans and eggplants.
A serving of animal protein:
either 150 grs. of beef / cow or 200 grs. of chicken / turkey or 200 grs. of white
fish or 150 grs. of blue
fish Better grilled, baked
or steamed without added oils. It can be seasoned with dehydrated spices (garlic powder, thyme, oregano, bay leaf or pepper).
To avoid fasting until dinner, we will take a whole wheat toast with a slice of protein (ham), accompanied by a purifying infusion: red or green tea.
Dinner should be lighter because the energy expenditure will be lower. We propose: a first course of the vegetables outlined above and an animal protein (preferably turkey, chicken or fish) cooked in an oven, microwave, bain-marie, cooking, in papillote, grilled or grilled without exceeding 150 grs. of intake.
A healthy and balanced diet that will make you face autumn with strength and energy.