Alcohol makes you fat, myth or reality?

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By pro_admin

Alcohol is part of many meals, celebrations, parties and other events of our daily lives, but that does not prevent constant warnings about its dangers. Some of the dangers of alcohol are obvious, such as consuming it in excess or in circumstances such as pregnancy or under medication, however others are not so obvious.

The calories of alcohol are one of these effects, much commented and main reason why it is prohibited in all diets to lose weight. It is considered that alcohol provides a large amount of energy that the body assumes quickly and tends to accumulate before it is possible to burn it, along with that it is usually combined with carbonated and sugary drinks that increase its caloric load.

How many calories does alcohol really have?

The latest research, however, refutes this theory and ensures that alcohol does not make you fat. The writer Tony Edwards sets out to prove this theory in his book The Good News About Booze, where he claims to refute all the erroneous theories about the dangers of alcohol for diet.

“There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that alcohol makes you fat. I know it’s counterintuitive, because we’ve been told that alcohol has a lot of calories. But it’s a fact that alcohol doesn’t make you fat,” Edwards said. It is based on the fact that the calculation of calories was established by the American chemist Wilbur Olin Atwater, based on how quickly each food was consumed on fire. According to his calculations, alcohol, which is flammable, when consumed very quickly indicated a high presence of calories.

To test his theory, a study was conducted with 20,000 women over thirteen years, whose conclusions were that those who had gained the most weight were those who drank less alcohol. Of course, not everything is good news since beer turns out to be the exception. A third of the calories in a beer come from malt, a carbohydrate whose effect is increased by alcohol, so we must restrict its consumption if we want to lose weight.

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