We already know, thanks to recent studies such as Predimed, that the Mediterranean diet, to a balanced extent and controlled by nutrition professionals, can be a great palliative of coronary and cardiovascular diseases. So it is possible, by carrying out this lifestyle so common in southern Europe, to prevent a high risk of heart attacks.
However, not in all geographical areas it is possible to find the precise foods to carry out this type of diet properly. We can find other alternatives in our usual food stores.
Foods beneficial for cardiovascular health
In general, it is advisable that the total fats ingested cover a maximum of 30% of calories. On the other hand, carbohydrates should represent the largest daily contribution, reaching 55% of the calories to be consumed. The remaining 15% would be dedicated, in this case, to protein consumption. Obviously, these are generic indications. More specifically we can talk about specific foods that can help alleviate heart attacks and other heart problems.
Avocado is a food that, due to its high content of omega 6 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats, helps reduce LDL cholesterol levels (known as bad cholesterol) without lowering HDL levels (commonly called good cholesterol). However, its consumption should be done with some caution since it involves a high caloric intake -approximately 25% of its weight-. Due to this fact, it is not recommended for all those who carry out a weight loss diet.
One of the best known foods in these struggles is garlic. Due to its characteristics, it acts as an anti-thrombotic, regulating blood pressure, helping to control the amount of fats and cholesterol in the blood, as well as improving blood circulation. In a similar line, we find another product perfectly compatible with any slimming regime such as celery.
Blue fish have a high composition of omega 3 fatty acids, which improve the fluidity of the bloodstream and reduce the levels of lipoproteins in the blood, the latter closely associated with coronary heart disease. Mackerel, tuna, sardines, herring or salmon are paradigmatic examples of what is exemplified here.
Fruits also prevent heart attacks
The case of the apple is striking. It has a type of soluble fiber called pectin that, by itself, has the ability to curb heart-related ailments. Some studies have gone so far as to show that this fiber decreases the narrowing in the arteries caused by cholesterol. Sweet potatoes, carrots and cantaloupe also reduce blood cholesterol levels, thus preventing heart attacks.
Also the grape, whether in its raw form, juice or even wine -always in moderation-, is important for its composition in flavonoids, antioxidant elements very effective both in the fight against cancer and in coronary and cardiovascular diseases.