The health and appearance of our skin is influenced by several aspects such as unprotected sun exposure, pollution, tobacco or an inadequate and sedentary lifestyle. A healthy and balanced diet can be of great help to keep our dermis in a healthy state. Continuous hydration through water and the intake of foods rich in vitamins A, B, C and E should be fundamental in our regimes, as well as iron or zinc.
Other elements to incorporate into our diets are antioxidant foods, capable of curbing the negative effects that free radicals have on our skin. Its ability to improve healing and collagen creation causes the skin to deteriorate much more slowly.
Dr. Perricone’s Anti-Wrinkle Diet
The expert in nutrition and dietetics, Nicholas Perricone, created a few years ago a diet specifically designed to combat inflammation produced in the skin due to the inevitable aging process. His routine proposed an anti-aging eating program that, being balanced in its composition, also allowed weight loss and health to be maintained.
The anti-wrinkle diet is based on the intake of so-called anti-inflammatory and antioxidant foods, which are, above all, those that have bright colors such as spinach, tomatoes, strawberries, orange, melon, pepper, etc. Dr. Perricone also advises avoiding all those products that inflame the body, raising blood sugar levels considerably. In this group we find bananas, potatoes, rice, corn, pasta, cereals or bread. Due to their caloric intakes, they end up being transformed into fat.
To effectively carry out the anti-wrinkle diet it is necessary to drink about two liters of water and make five meals a day. This program should be accompanied by moderate practice of physical exercise.
Finally, it is advisable to avoid hydrogenated fats such as butter, flour, margarine or white starches, and, of course, replace sugar consumption with sweeteners of natural origin such as stevia.
Other foods that prevent aging
Blue fish such as tuna or salmon, being rich in omega 3 fatty acids, act as powerful antioxidants and protect the circulatory system. In the same line we find in the market green tea that, in addition, provides vitamins A, C and E, selenium and polyphenols.
A final set of antioxidant foods is made up of dark chocolate, extra virgin olive oil consumed in its natural state (without heating) and red wine.
All these foods should be consumed in moderation and inserted within the framework of a healthy and balanced diet. If you’re worried about those wrinkles starting to appear on your face, you can quickly start following some of these tips and avoid the dreaded premature aging.