We know that a good way to take care of our food and at the same time save in the shopping cart is to always choose seasonal products. And if there is a food that should not be missing in our diet is fruit. It is widely believed that you can only find a variety of fruit in summer. However, autumn is the season that produces some of the most delicious fruits and also helps protect us from the typical infections of this time. Find out what autumn fruit is and its health benefits.
Rich autumn fruit
With autumn already installed, many of us fear the arrival of the cold and with it the continuous colds, flu and other diseases. To prepare our body against the rigors of winter and to strengthen our immune system we can resort to a healthy diet in which autumn fruits are not lacking.
Apples, oranges, tangerines, pears and grapes are the classic autumn fruits that we can acquire at any time of the year, but it is now when their benefits can be more noticeable. Oranges and tangerines are one of the main sources of vitamin C, strengthen our body and are a powerful antioxidant. Pear, in addition to potassium and vitamin E, contains fiber that helps control cholesterol and blood sugar.
For its part, grapes are recognized as one of the most nutritious foods, since they contain vitamins A, B and C, and are highly purifying and detoxifying, which makes them perfect not only to take care of our body, but also to lose weight in a healthy way. And what about apples, whose benefits have been proven to such an extent, that experts recommend the consumption of at least one apple daily throughout life to maintain a good state of health. What if you make a juice or smoothie with all of them?
The benefits of autumn fruits
But autumn is also a time for delicious fruits with which you can surprise your family. Remember that it is the season for berries such as sloes, blueberries and currants whose properties act directly on the immune system strengthening our defenses for the winter. Nuts, which can not be missing in your diet, are also characteristic of autumn. Chestnuts, walnuts, hazelnuts and acorns with which you can make imaginative recipes, especially pastries.
Autumn is also the season of figs. A delicious fruit from which we can take advantage of its high content of vitamin A, minerals, fiber and carbohydrates. And if we want to consume them fresh, this is the only time of year when we can do it. Another autumn fruit that provides us with innumerable benefits is persimmon, which although it comes from China, is increasingly common in our diet. Persimmon is diuretic and decongestant and is the perfect ally for the balance of our skin.
But if there is a fruit that stands out among the autumn offer is the pomegranate. Loaded with strong symbolism, pomegranate is a natural source of vitamins A, B and C, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. It is also a diuretic, digestive and depurative fruit, which helps control cholesterol and is used in some cases of arteriosclerosis.