Avoid coronavirus: foods that you should include YES or YES in your diet

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It seems that the whole world is revolving around the coronavirusCovid-19 (so called scientifically) began in December 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan and, today, already affects more than a hundred countries. Some of them have registered a large number of infected and deceased by the virus, while others still remain in the containment phase.

The truth is that to a greater or lesser extent, this is something that affects us all and, therefore, we must take the appropriate measures so that the coronavirus does not continue to spread. The World Health Organization (WHO) has already made its recommendations: wash your hands thoroughly, wear a mask, do not leave the house… Anything that protects us from the virus is welcome and food can contribute a lot to it. What you eat every day greatly influences your defenses and immune system and determines that you can get sick more or less easily. What foods should you include in your diet to avoid coronavirus?

In Diario Femenino we have spoken with Ángel Soriano, nutritionist of Doctoralia (platform that unites doctors with patients), to discover the list of foods you should buy during quarantine to protect yourself from Covid-19. Take note of it!

Food to strengthen defenses and protect against coronavirus

As nutritionist Ángel Soriano tells us, food plays an essential and decisive role in our state of health. There are foods that help strengthen our immune system making it much more difficult for us to contract viruses or diseases, while other types of foods reduce defenses and make us much more prone to contagion.

So, what foods to include in the diet during these weeks in which the coronavirus stalks us? Angel lists some of them:

1Foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber

All this can be found in fruits, vegetables and vegetables (foods that should be the basis of our diet). “Vitamin A is very important in the function of the immune system and we can find it in all those red or orange vegetables such as, for example, carrotsweet potatopumpkin …”, says Ángel. Vitamin D is also critical. “This vitamin is synthesized with exposure to the sun, so, despite the confinement that has been decreed in many countries, it is vital not to stop sunbathing during these weeks. Go out every day for a while to the balcony, the terrace, the garden or the window and let the light give you (if the sun hits you much better)”, advises Ángel Soriano.

Other antioxidants and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, zinc or selenium are also important, which we find in eggsmeatfishchocolate (as long as it is pure or high percentage cocoa and in moderate quantities).

2Omega 3 and Omega 9

“We could say that the immune system is born in the intestine. The health of the gut is the most important thing for overall health. Maintaining good gut health means having a good immune system and maintaining good gut health means having a good gut flora, and to do this, you have to selectively feed the beneficial bacteria in your gut. And what do these bacteria eat? This is precisely where Omega 3 and Omega 9 play an essential role,” explains nutritionist Ángel.

Omega 3 can be found in chiafish, oils such as flax, while Omega 9 is found in olive oil.

3Fermented foods

As we say, the immune system depends to a large extent on the intestinal flora and fermented foods such as, for example, kefirmisopickles or olives, contain enzymes and microorganisms that contribute to maintaining a good flora.


Mushrooms such as, for example, mushrooms or boletus have among their properties compounds called beta-glucans that stimulate the defenses and strengthen the immune system.


Yes, during these days you can encourage yourself to include garlic in your recipes. Antibacterialantiviral, fungicide, anti-carcinogenic… It lacks nothing!

Angel Soriano also recommends including cereals such as quinoa, legumes and dairy products in the diet. He also advises making a weekly purchase to leave the house as little as possible.

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Foods you should NOT include in your diet if you want to avoid coronavirus

Just as there are foods that favor the immune system, there are also others that weaken it. Which?

+The ultra-processed: all products that carry a lot of sugar, everything that has refined flours, trans fats, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils … Example: chips, pizzas, soft drinks, cookies, pastries…

+Alcohol: Alcohol decreases the body’s ability to respond to some type of infection or virus and contributes to the growth of ‘bad’ bacteria in the intestines.

“These foods favor the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestine, decreasing and hindering the function of the immune system,” concludes Ángel.

And what dishes and recipes are you including in your daily diet to protect yourself from the coronavirus? Leave us your doubts in the comments! At Diario Femenino we help you!

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