Benefits of summer fruits

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By pro_admin

With the rise in temperatures so typical of summer there is nothing better than consuming seasonal fruits that help fight the heat, in addition to providing a good amount of nutrients to the body. Fruits such as watermelon, melon or peach can not miss in your home during these summer months.

Benefits and properties of summer fruits

These fruits, rich in water and very caloric pco caloric, are ideal when it comes to preserving the figure because they help us keep the body perfectly hydrated. On the other hand, they are rich in fiber and numerous minerals very beneficial to health. The consumption of these fruits will allow you to address the issue of fluid retention, in addition to preventing possible and future diseases related to the heart.

+Melon. The summer months is the best time of year to taste a good melon. Having a good amount of water, it is a fairly refreshing fruit that will make you cope a little better with the heat. It is rich in potassium and numerous antioxidants that help prevent different types of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. By providing just 30 calories per 100 grams it is a perfect food to take in the diet. And, the best, you can take it for dessert or also as a light starter in such an appetizing dish with melon with ham.

+Watermelon. Along with melon, watermelon isthe star fruit of the whole summer. It is a fairly cleansing fruit, which will help you cleanse the body and lose weight in an effective way. In addition to being quite refreshing, watermelon provides 20 calories per 100 grams of product, so you can not miss in your menu in case you want to lose a few extra kilos. Here we suggest that you make watermelon juices to hydrate well or ice cream and avoid eating it for dessert for dinner because it can be a bit heavy.

+Peach. It is another seasonal fruit that is rich in fiber, potassium and carotenes. If you suffer from anemia there is nothing better than a good peach so you can feel energized throughout the day. In addition, it is a fruit that helps reduce stress levels and strengthen the entire bone system. The peach has a composition of 76% water and provides about 35 calories per 100 grams of product. Mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack can be a perfect option.

+Pear. The pear is another wonderful fruit that you can enjoy in these hot months and is rich in water, fiber and potassium. If you have digestive problems, do not hesitate to consume a fruit such as pear on a regular basis. The pear contains almost 80% water and provides about 50 calories per 100 grams. If you are diabetic, the pear will help you control your blood glucose level and avoid sugar problems.

As you can see, summer fruits are ideal to take during these months, since in addition to helping to refresh and hydrate your body, they are quite nutritious and low in calories. Do not hesitate to take enough summer fruit if you want to boast a nice body during the summer months, but of course all accompanied by daily exercise and a diet without saturated fats, low in carbohydrates and without sugars. And now that you know the benefits of summer fruits, which is your favorite?

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