Calculate the ideal weight according to the weight and height of the woman

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By pro_admin

Do you know how much you should weigh? The perfect kilos for each vary according to the constitution of each woman, but there is a method to calculate the ideal weight according to the weight and height of the woman. Health goes beyond the figure shown on your bathroom scale but can help you get an idea of whether you’re doing it right.

It’s time to know your ideal weight and know if you need a diet and more physical exercise. Weight control is necessary to avoid obesity for an aesthetic reason but, above all, for a health reason.

Being fat means increasing your risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes, and endometrial and breast cancer. Being overweight is an effort for the heart and favors the appearance of hypertension. Obesity is an increasingly common disease in the contemporary world. The Western diet too rich in calories and fats, favors obesity. To enhance the problem, we have an increasingly sedentary life, the daily energy expenditure of a woman has decreased about 200 kilocalories in recent decades. The fewer calories you burn, the more fat you store in your body and bloodstream.

Calculate the ideal weight of the woman

If you are a little bad at math better to have the calculator at hand, but calculating the ideal weight is very easy. You just need to know what your Body Mass Index (BMI) is, also known as Body Mass Index (BMI) or IQ. This index is found by dividing the weight (in kilograms) by the square of the height (in meters). That is, the formula to calculate the body mass index would be the following

BMI = kg / m²

For example, let’s calculate what is the BMI of a woman who weighs 68 kilos and measures 1.65. BMI = 68 / 1.65 x 1.65 = 24.97 BMI is 24.97


Keep in mind that the Body Mass Index is only valid for those over 18 years of age. If it is to be used with adolescents, a correction factor must be introduced into the mathematical operation.

IM Body Mass Index Results

After performing the above mathematical operation, you can calculate your ideal weight. Based on the result, which takes into account your weight and height, you can tell if you should change your lifestyle.

+If your BMI results in a figure lower than 18.5, you’re underweight. Within this classification, the WHO explains that between 18.49 and 17, it is considered that there is a slight thinness; between 16.99 and 16, moderate thinness; and under 16, severe thinness.

+If the result comes out between 18.5 and 24.99, congratulations, you have a normal body mass index.

Between 25 to 29.99 of IME has to take care of you a little more because you are overweight.

Outcomes from 30 are considered obesity. Within this section, the WHO differentiates from: from 30 to 34.99 there is class I obesity; from 35 to 39.99, class II obesity; and more than 40, class III obesity.++

The danger of obesity

Obesity is a worrying disease that millions of people around the world are fighting against. The World Health Organization defines it as “an abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat that can be harmful to health.” The data of this international organization detail that since 1975 its incidence in the world has tripled. As of 2016, an estimated 39% of the world’s adults (i.e., 18 years of age or older) were overweight, and 13% were obese.

Obesity usually occurs when there is an excessive imbalance between calories consumed and expended. It is an increasingly common problem due to the general increase in caloric foods and more fat and sedentary lifestyle.

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