Chocolate and mind-stimulating foods

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By pro_admin

It is clear that food is the pillar of our health. Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is essential to have a better quality of life, and providing our body with all the vitamins and minerals it needs is essential if we want to stay healthy and avoid certain diseases. On this basis, there are also foods that are especially beneficial for different needs. So we have foods that improve circulation, foods that improve the skin and now we have discovered what are the foods that stimulate the brain and enhance intelligence.

Chocolate to win the Nobel Prize

The beneficial properties of chocolate are very popular because it is something we are quick to recognize to avoid the guilt of the calories we are consuming. We love chocolate, but it also brings many benefits to our body. And we will not tire of repeating them. Chocolate is a good ally of our cardiovascular health and is also a powerful antioxidant.

In addition, recent research from Columbia University has revealed the close relationship between chocolate consumption and the development of intelligence. Comparing the chocolate consumption of each country with the number of winners with the prestigious Nobel, the data confirmed that the greater the consumption of chocolate, the greater the number of winners. Sweden tops this curious ranking with the highest number of Nobel Prize winners and with the highest consumption of chocolate, no less than 6.4 kg per person per year.

In any case, and leaving aside the anecdote of the Nobel prizes, it does seem proven that chocolate is a food that stimulates our intelligence, prevents mental deterioration and keeps our mind active and young.

Foods that stimulate intelligence

But in addition to chocolate there are other foods especially beneficial for the brain, which help concentration, improve cognitive abilities and develop intelligence. Take note to include them in your daily diet.

The glucose and fructose in honey act directly on neurons, so it’s always a good idea to substitute sugar for honey to sweeten our infusions or, why not, desserts. Eggs and lecithin also considerably support our mental health, as well as nuts, which are important to facilitate learning.

Pumpkin seeds provide the zinc needed to maintain mental agility and broccoli, in addition to its preventive action against cancer, optimizes mental abilities. Green tea, which is recommended as a fundamental ally of physical and mental health, helps mental alertness and meditation, and coffee, as long as it is not excessive, stimulates cognitive abilities.

But if there is a food that we can not ignore this time is fish. Fish should not be missing in your diet in any case, whatever the health area you intend to promote, because it is a staple food with a high protein value, but low in fat that gives us the vitamins and minerals that our body needs.

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