Chocolate, the most desired when we are on a diet

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By pro_admin

Not eating chocolate because you are on a diet does not make much sense, since ‘real’ chocolate in moderate consumption does not make you fat. You may be surprised by this statement and until you ask yourself, how is it possible? The key is to know how to choose, because let’s not fool ourselves, it’s not worth everything, but we’re not going to settle for anything either. And, here, we accept the greys. And, it is as important to have a complete and balanced diet, as the diet satisfies us, is pleasant and, above all, keeps our motivation 100%. Let’s find a balance: Health and well-being.

The benefits associated with moderate chocolate consumption are already known

Chocolate is a natural antidepressant. Within a well-established diet, chocolate consumption is related to a greater sense of well-being and motivation to achieve your goal. Cocoa contains tryptophan, an amino acid vital for the production of serotonin, substances that generate a feeling of well-being and happiness. Chocolate is also a mine of valuable nutrients. Cocoa, as its main ingredient, tops the list of foods with the highest antioxidant content, due to its high content of flavonoids (antioxidants and cardioprotective), which increase defenses and prevent oxidation of the body.

There are studies that show that the consumption of moderate pure chocolate (never excessive) helps us increase HDL cholesterol (‘the good one’) and lowers blood pressure, taking care of the health of our heart.

EYE! These benefits cannot be extrapolated to all types of chocolate. Let’s not fool ourselves, what is usually sold as chocolate, really is more sugar than cocoa and this option is not worth it!

If you do not want to give up chocolate, take note and enjoy your life FIT:

+If you like tablet chocolate, choose 85% pure cocoa. It will carry sugar, but in such a high percentage of cocoa, the amount is small, always assuming moderate consumption (1 or 2 ounces). To choose well, look at its labeling, sugar should never be at the top of your list of ingredients. Try 65-70% cocoa first until you accept 85% pure cocoa.

+If you like soluble cocoa, include pure cocoa (with a single ingredient CACAO) on your shopping list. In almost all supermarkets you have it, look at their list of ingredients. Try first mixing with sugary, and little by little, go up the percentage of pure cocoa until you can adapt to the taste of real cocoa. A jar of pure cocoa at home will give a lot of play to your recipes and desserts.

+Pure vice! I advise you to try the PROTEIN CRUNCH. Balls coated with dark chocolate without sugar. In your bowl of whipped fresh cheese and fruit, it will give them an irresistible touch!

Recipes with chocolate

Try these FIT recipes and tell us what you think!:

Chocolate custard:

Ingredients: 1 ripe avocado, 1 frozen banana, 30 grams of nuts, 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder and sweetener (the less the better “to taste”).

Recipe: Let the nuts soak in water for 30 seconds. Now, mix all the ingredients in a food processor (all shaken) and finally let cool and serve.

Chocolate syrup

Add it to your yogurt or FIT oatmeal pancakes. You just need a saucepan with a little hot water and add cocoa and water to the texture we need. You can add a few drops of sweetener or mix it with a teaspoon of peanut butter.

Remember that it is not an essential food, but we love it! Include it in moderation, within an active life and a well-guided, there will be no goal that resists you.

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