Every day, through our mouth, pass a lot of foods that are very delicious for our palate, but in some cases can be the great enemies of your teeth. If you want to save more than one visit to your dentist – although you already know that it is advisable to go for a check-up at least once a year – take note of the foods that may be damaging your oral health.
Who are the great enemies of your teeth?
+Ice. Who does not spend a long time after having a soft drink playing with ice cubes in their mouth? A habit that does nothing to benefit the health of our teeth. Biting the ice damages the enamel, generates cavities, dental hypersensitivity and, in addition, can cause fracture of some of the pieces.
+Naranas, lemons, limes and grapefruits. You wake up in the morning, drink orange juice, and then brush your teeth to get on your way to your daily tasks. If so, we recommend that you at least wait half an hour before brushing your teeth because, according to Dr. Conchita Currull Gasol, “with the brush we extend the acid of these fruits and erode the teeth. It is best to keep eating so that the saliva neutralizes the acidity or wait a while to carry out this action.” Something very similar also happens with isotonic drinks and carbonated soft drinks, which contribute to lowering the pH of the mouth due to their acidity.
+ Foods with sugar. Both the one that is present in sweets and candies favors the proliferation of bacteria that cause cavities.
+Alcohol. Alcohol is not the best ally to have a healthy diet or to maintain good oral health. The reason? “It harms and irritates the oral mucosa and, above all, is a risk factor, along with tobacco, for oral cancer,” explains Dr. Conchita Currull Gasol.
+Foods with coloring effect. And you may wonder, what foods is it? Coffee, black tea, ketchup, nuts with skin… And, although at first they are not a risk to our oral health, they can cause staining, so it is recommended to avoid their consumption after a whitening treatment.
+Products with starch, and is that this substance, present in bread, pasta, crackers or potato chips, becomes food for bacteria that cause caries.
+Pegasus foods. And they are dangerous for our teeth because, sometimes, they get stuck or stuck in our teeth. Solution: brush your teeth well -here the use of interdental brushes is recommended- and floss.
+Extreme temperatures. Very hot soups or very cold water increase tooth sensitivity, as they affect the nerve of the tooth or the dental pulp. So you know, from now on, neither one extreme nor the other, you opt for temperate things.