Constipation: What to Diet When You’re Constipated

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By pro_admin

One of the biggest problems that usually suffers a large part of the population today is constipation. To avoid this, food plays a very important role, since it is necessary to eat products with high doses of fiber and that these are very digestive. If you suffer from constipation, take note of the following special diet that will help you end these problems.

Diet to combat constipation

+ Drinking fluids

It is important to drink throughout the day about two liters of liquids either water, juices or infusions. A fairly effective home remedy is to drink a glass of warm water when getting up to facilitate intestinal transit.

+ Consume fiber

Fiber intake should predominate in your daily diet. Take several servings of vegetables, fruits and cereals a day. Do not forget the legumes either since they also provide a lot of fiber to the body.

+ Yogurt

Yogurt is an excellent source of probiotics so its consumption is ideal to improve the entire intestinal tract and combat the serious problem of constipation.

+ Olive oil

Olive oil is another fundamental product that cannot be missing in this special diet to combat constipation. In addition to containing numerous healthy fats, olive oil helps the stomach secrete a series of acids that promote digestion.

+Orange and kiwi juice

These two types of fruits are rich in fiber so their consumption on a regular basis will help you go to the bathroom easily and have optimal digestion.

These are some of the foods that can not be missing in your daily diet to help you fight constipation problems. Remember that you must follow schedules at mealtime and eat food in a leisurely and unhurried way to avoid poor digestion.

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