Diet and holidays: treat yourself without getting fat

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By pro_admin

Holidays and diet are not good companions and it is very difficult to maintain the figure during these summer months. However, it is possible to eat and treat yourself without having to pay too much attention to the kilos. Do not miss the following tips that will help you to give yourself some whim during the holidays and continue to preserve your splendid figure.

Whims to give yourself on vacation without getting fat

Natural and seasonal fruit is perfect to take at any time of the day. You can opt for fruits as nutritious as watermelon, melon, cherries or plums. These are really refreshing foods that are rich in vitamins and antioxidants and are perfect to take during your vacation.

You can make a rich fruit salad and season it with a little natural orange juice. An excellent option to enjoy a refreshing and delicious dish. You can also make skewers with the fruits that you like the most and bathe them in some yogurt. Natural smoothies and juices are very nutritious and perfect to take during the summer holidays.

If you want something sweeter, you can also make homemade ice cream with a little fruit and milk and enjoy this delicacy without any preservatives and with many nutrients. If you opt for this type of ice cream, you will avoid the extra calories that artificial ice cream has. As you can see, you can give yourself some other whim during this summer without having to think about the extra kilos and maintaining your figure.

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