A good diet is not only essential to protect health and prevent weight gain, it is also perfect to ensure that areas of the body such as hair, are in perfect condition. There are a number of foods that due to their excellent properties, will help you stop hair loss and get you to boast of hair in perfect condition.
Foods you should take to prevent hair loss
1Salmon. This wonderful oily fish is rich in omega 3 fatty acids and another series of nutrients that are essential for the good health of the body. These types of healthy fats help hair grow in a strong and healthy way. Eating some salmon 2 to 3 times a week will allow you to boast of a hair in perfect condition.
2 Wheat germ. It is a food that is rich in zinc, a mineral that helps promote blood circulation throughout the scalp. Taking a little wheat germ a day will allow you to forget about the problems of hair loss.
3 Spinach. Spinach is one of the most nutritious foods that exist, especially because it is an excellent source of iron. This type of mineral is perfect to make the hair grow in a healthy way and to produce a greater amount of sebum on the scalp, which makes it perfectly hydrated.
4 Lentils. Legumes and in particular lentils are perfect to make hair grow strong and thus prevent hair loss. In addition to being an excellent source of iron, magnesium is magnesium, two minerals that help the production of hair on the scalp.
5 Nuts. Walnuts, in addition to being an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids, are rich in selenium. This type of mineral is ideal for getting hair follicles to grow strong and totally healthy. A handful of nuts a day is perfect for boasting soft, silky hair.