Halloween is an occasion to have fun and enjoy a special night, but we should not neglect our health. In the winter holidays, from Halloween to New Year’s Eve, will be the dates when it will be easier to gain weight, because of the number of celebrations and because the obligation to prepare for the “bikini operation” is still far away. That’s why it’s best to take action from the get-go.
If you properly prepare your body for the Halloween party you do not have to give up a delicious night with a proper menu. Remember that taking care of yourself is not only a way to lose weight, but it is especially important to follow these tips if you suffer from problems such as diabetes, because if there is something that characterizes Halloween are sweets.
How to take care of your diet on Halloween
Although it is the children who traditionally go out to pick up sweets, it is inevitable that we end up snacking more than desirable. Whether to celebrate a party, because we have children or simply to enjoy the traditional Halloween sweets, the common thing is that in a single night the consumption of sweets and chocolate multiplies, which can end up producing indigestion.
To avoid excess sugar, we recommend stocking your home with sugar-free candies and other healthier snacking alternatives, from decorated baked apples to red fruit juices or gelatin, which you can easily turn into “terrifying” meals without giving up a low-calorie meal. And if you have used a pumpkin to decorate remember that with its pulp you can make a delicious and healthy cream.
If you are invited to a party we recommend that you eat something healthy before leaving home, it will help you avoid the feeling of hunger and thus eat less. Don’t forget to limit alcohol consumption as much as possible, and exercise before the party as well as the next day, to burn off any extra calories that have accumulated as quickly as possible.