Pregnancy is a very special stage in a woman’s life, but it also involves taking much more care to make sure the baby will grow healthily. One of the factors that has the greatest influence on their development is food, which is why eating a good diet is so important.
The body undergoes numerous changes during pregnancy, some of them are visible, such as belly growth, but many of the most important are not so evident, being equally vital to know them. If you are planning to get pregnant, it is advisable to go to the doctor or gynecologist to prescribe some folic acid supplements, which during the first three months helps reduce the risk of spina bifida.
The right diet in pregnancy for the development of the baby
In addition to folic acid there are other common food supplements for pregnancy, such as iron to prevent anemia or calcium to strengthen bones. Depending on each case it will be necessary to apply one or the other, but there are general guidelines that help pregnant women to better control their diet.
Weight gain during pregnancy is completely normal, but it should not be uncontrolled. To the weight of the baby, placenta, enlargement of the uterus and breasts, fat reserves are added, giving a total of between 11 and 17 kilos depending on the initial weight and height, if it is exceeded increases the risk of problems such as gestational diabetes or hypertension. For this reason it is recommended to follow a varied and light diet, with an abundance of foods such as fruits and vegetables, avoiding meat, fish or undercooked eggs that can transmit toxoplasmosis.
Start breakfast with energy, cereals, milk and fruit are a good option. For lunch meat with vegetables, legumes, pasta or rice and a yogurt. At dinner avoid heavy foods to facilitate digestion and sleep better. Omelette, broth or salad with some meat or fish and a piece of fruit is a good choice. Distribute meals throughout the day to avoid feelings of hunger and control fats and sugars.