Diet: how to make healthy pizzas so as not to get fat

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By pro_admin

Dieting is something that requires a lot of effort and a lot of tenacity, since you have to avoid certain foods that everyone usually likes but that are quite harmful to the body such as junk food or sweets and opt for others much healthier such as vegetables. However, it is possible to make different types of pizzas that are very low in calories and healthy for the body. Take note of them and enjoy a delicious pizza whenever you feel like it.

Healthy pizzas to enjoy eating

+Egg pizza. Another type of pizza that you can eat without fear of getting fat is egg pizza. The first thing you should do is add a little oil to the pan and then add 3 egg whites. When it has curdled perfectly, you will have the base of the pizza ready to put the ingredients you want. In this way you can put on top a little mozzarella and chopped green peppers along with some black olives. After a couple of minutes you can remove the pan from the heat and enjoy this wonderful egg pizza. 

Chicken-based pizza. In this case you will use chicken as the base of the pizza. This way it is much healthier and contains far fewer calories than regular pizza. The first thing you should do is take a chicken breast and flatten it well with the help of a roller. Put the breast in a pan and cook for about 5 minutes until it is perfectly done. You can put a little tomato on top along with mozzarella and a delicious chicken-based pizza is ready.

Vegetables as a base for pizza. In addition to green peppers you can use other types of vegetables when making a totally healthy pizza with few calories. In this way you can opt for mushrooms, eggplants or zucchini. It’s as easy as cleaning all the vegetables and emptying them well. Fill with what you like best and let bake for a few minutes. In this easy and simple way you can taste a wonderful pizza without feeling guilty about it.

+Pizza with peppers. With peppers you can get a wonderful pizza of masa guesa that you should try as soon as possible. Take two green peppers and cut them in half. Clean well and remove all seeds. Put on a baking sheet and drizzle with a little oil. Put in the oven at 180 degrees for about 25 minutes. Once tender, you can fill them with whatever you like. Sprinkle with a little grated cheese and gratin for a few minutes. Remove from oven and serve immediately.

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