Diet to recover energy after summer

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By pro_admin

September is a very hard month. The end of the holidays, the change of temperature, the return to school of the children, the return to the gym … It’s normal to feel tired. The routine, with the obligations that entails, requires more energy and our body and mind are not prepared to face it suddenly. That is why food plays a very important factor in our physical and mental state.

Experts from the Medical Option Clinic gives us the keys to recover that energy and vitality for the new ‘course’. Take note and, most importantly, implement the following recommendations.

Diet to recover energy

– It is forbidden to skip breakfast. “Breakfast is the most important meal and will largely determine how we feel during the rest of the day,” says Laura Labernia, head of the Nutrition and Dietetics Unit at Clínica Opción Médica. A good breakfast should always be composed of cereals, dairy and a good dose of protein.

– Snacking between meals is not only allowed, but recommended. To provide constant energy throughout the day it is important to give our body the necessary doses of fuel. To do this, it is advisable to make at least 4 or 5 daily intakes in smaller quantities and try not to be more than 4 hours without taking any food. “The best thing for morning and afternoon snacks is a good piece of fresh fruit, a yogurt or a handful of nuts, which will also help us reduce cholesterol levels,” explains Labernia.

– Limit the consumption of industrial pastries and caffeine. Both sugar and caffeine provide a shot of immediate energy to our body, but soon this euphoria disappears and is replaced by a greater feeling of tiredness. In addition, pastries are not the healthiest option because their nutritional level is very low and their amount of sugars and fats is too high.

– Incorporate a greater amount of whole foods into your diet. The main characteristic of whole grain products is that, in addition to being more nutritious and providing a greater amount of fiber, they are foods rich in carbohydrates of slow absorption, with which, in addition to satisfying our appetite, we get a stable energy flow that remains for longer.

– Bet on proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables. “It is important to add a serving of protein at each meal, such as 100 grams of lean meat, 150 grams of white or blue fish or two eggs. Regarding fruits and vegetables, choose to consume them raw or steamed in order to preserve all their essential nutrients, “they recommend.

– Do not miss carbohydrates in your diet. Carbohydrates have gained a bad reputation for the false belief that they are fattening. While it is true that its caloric intake is high compared to other foods, those responsible for gaining weight are usually the sauces and other ingredients with which we accompany them, which can double the energy value of the dish. “The consumption of carbohydrates is essential for a balanced diet and will provide our body with the additional energy it so badly needs. In fact, carbohydrate consumption should account for 50-55% of our total daily food intake,” says the specialist.

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