Diets to gain weight: gain weight by eating healthy

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By pro_admin

Although it seems obvious that the goal of a diet is to lose weight, there are many women who want to gain weight in a healthy way that are below the adequate levels of their body mass index (BMI), which indicates the weight we must maintain to be healthy based on our weight and height.

Like any other diet, if your goal is to gain weight you should think not only about achieving your goal, but about doing it properly. Consuming junk food can provide many fats and calories, but it also entails problems that can create more problems for your metabolism, so it is important not to try to gain weight by increasing your daily calorie intake without thinking about where it comes from.

Gain weight with a healthy diet

Once you have decided to start a diet to gain weight you must follow these guidelines that will help you achieve your goal without risking your health:

– Make between 5 and 7 meals a day: You can make three strong meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and have several snacks at different times between these meals, without having to be too abundant.

– Take foods with many nutrients: Eat foods with proteins such as lean meats (for example chicken), nuts, eggs, legumes, olive oil … Include them both in main meals and to snack between meals.

– Add more calories to your plate: Add high-calorie foods such as potatoes, rice, pasta, cereals to your dishes, accompany your toast with butter or jam and use sauces such as mayonnaise on your plates.

– Hydrate: You can replace part of your daily water intake with drinks with more nutrients such as fruit juices or milk.

In addition to following all these recommendations, it is advisable that you consult a nutritionist to analyze your specific needs and prescribe, if necessary, some supplements that help you in your goal.

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