Like other types of minerals, iodine is quite important for your body since it is key for all organs to develop and function properly. Its intake prevents the appearance of hypothyroidism and activates metabolism. Take note of those foods that are rich in iodine so that you can incorporate them into your diet and thus provide the sufficient amount your body needs of this important mineral.
Iodine foods you should eat
–Seaweed. Seaweed is an excellent source of iodine. Its intake gives you enough iodine that your body needs. You can take them in salads or soups.
–Fish and seafood. Other foods that cannot be missing in your daily diet if you want to provide iodine to your body are fish and seafood. It is advisable that you eat foods such as prawns, prawns, mussels or sardines.
–Blueberries. Apart from being an excellent source of antioxidants, blueberries are rich in iodine providing a good amount to your body. You can eat them raw or in juice.
–Yogurt. Probiotic foods such as yogurt contain a lot of iodine so it is always advisable to take one yogurt a day to get its nutrients.
–Dairy products. Milk and cheese are products that contain a good amount of iodine. Avoid overdoing it and choose skimmed products as they are much healthier for your body.
–Strawberries. A few strawberries a day provide a good amount of iodine to your body in addition to other nutrients highly beneficial to your health.