Drinking coffee daily can lengthen life

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By pro_admin

Coffee is present in the simple and in the deep, from the first moment of the day until the evening falls. However, coffee has had a very bad reputation in recent decades not entirely substantiated. Therefore, we want to reveal the reasons why drinking coffee daily can be very beneficial for your health, so much studies suggest that drinking coffee daily can extend life.

When we get up in the morning we have a coffee. When we take a break from work we have a coffee. At the table after lunch we had a coffee. When we met to chat with a friend we had a coffee. Over the years, coffee has gone from being a simple drink to becoming a pleasant custom or ritual that many people cannot give up in their daily diet.

Drinking coffee daily can lengthen life

According to two new studies recently published, higher coffee consumption can lead to a longer life. The first of the investigations, carried out by scientists from the World Health Organization (WHO), has revealed that, among the 520,000 people analyzed over 16 years in different European countries (including Spain), those who drank between two and four cups of coffee a day had a 18% lower risk of premature death (especially due to diseases related to the digestive system). or cardiovascular) compared to people who did not drink coffee.

“We are not in a position to recommend people to drink more or less coffee, but the results suggest that moderate consumption is not harmful to health and incorporating it into our diet could have the most beneficial effects,” said Marc Gunter, reader in Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention at the School of Public Health at Imperial College in the United Kingdom and co-author of the study.

The second of the studies is much more innovative, as it focuses on non-white populations. After examining more than 185,000 African Americans, Native Americans, Hawaiians and Japanese, researchers found that mortality was inversely related to coffee consumption for heart disease, cancer, respiratory disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease and concluded that coffee increases life expectancy in several breeds.

The results of these studies do not vary if the consumption is decaffeinated, which shows that the formula of youth is not directly related to caffeine, but to other components of coffee.

Other reasons why drinking coffee is good for your health

In addition to having the virtue of extending life, coffee has many other properties that are very beneficial for the body

+Coffee for the heart

Although it has always been thought that coffee and heart were at odds, this is not so. Research led by the Samsung Kangbuk Hospital in Seoul (South Korea) shows that not only does it not cause cardiovascular problems, but that, consumed in moderation, coffee decreases the chances of suffering a heart attack as it helps reduce calcium in the arteries avoiding its obstruction.

+Beauty ally

Coffee is a potent source of antioxidants. Consuming it daily protects the body from free radicals, which are mainly responsible for activating skin aging.

+Keeps the line

If combined with a balanced diet and the practice of physical exercise, coffee turns out to be the perfect ally to maintain the figure. Caffeine is a substance that helps increase thermogenesis (and therefore energy expenditure), so many nutritionists recommend its daily consumption to get rid of accumulated fats.


Chocolate already has a competitor as a remedy to alleviate penalties. A study conducted by Harvard University among more than 50,000 women over 10 years shows that people who drink coffee regularly are up to 20% less likely to suffer from depression.

+Long-term memory

Coffee increases intellectual and physical performance, but its long-term power goes much further. Drinking coffee every day promotes memory and considerably decreases the chances of suffering from degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s (-65%) or Parkinson’s (-50%), according to data from the Karolinska Institute (Stockholm, Sweden).

Coffee yes, but in moderation

We have already seen all the benefits of coffee, but like everything in this life, you have to know how to drink it in moderation. Drinking coffee can also cause some very unpleasant adverse effects on the nervous system. Coffee contains caffeine and releases some neurotransmitters that can predispose to the appearance of tachycardia and other arrhythmias and, in some cases, increase blood pressure and insomnia, so it is recommended to control the amounts ingested (no more than three cups a day) or drink decaffeinated coffee.

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