Eating and drinking foods suitable for rejuvenation

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By pro_admin

Aesthetic treatments, surgeries, anti-wrinkle procedures, reconstructions… They lead the most daring to remain inert in front of a scalpel. Others, the most conservative, or with less economy perhaps, take refuge in creams, ointments, natural remedies, magazine tips … In all women the illusion is the same: to feel younger.

And although I do not like to disappoint anyone, or detract from other people’s projects, the most effective and least expensive formula to rejuvenate ourselves is the one that acts from the inside out and is based on eating and drinking the right foods.

Of course, these benefits are not miraculous, nor do they come immediately; But they are noticed with the passage of time and are reflected not only in the body, but also in the spirit, improving our spirits and multiplying the desire to conquer new goals.

The foods advised to achieve these purposes are basically those rich in antioxidants. These substances fight free radicals, toxins present in the human body that are the result, for example, of cellular metabolism, addiction to harmful habits and persistent exposure to polluting substances or environments of high pollution.

Foods to rejuvenate

Among those products that contain high levels of antioxidants, also called longevity foods, are spinach, cauliflower, carrots, broccoli, celery, lettuce, cucumber, cooked corn and beets. Also potatoes, pumpkins and sweet potatoes. Fruits include oranges, grapefruits, bergamots, bananas, watermelons, apples, strawberries, grapes and raisins. Also peaches and nuts.

The ideal is to consume these very fresh varieties, and as for vegetables, if they are cooked, steam them so that they retain the greatest amount of nutrients.

As for liquids or drinks, it is recommended to drink plenty of water at least 8 glasses a day, if it is a mineral better because these improve the hydration process of the cells and cleanse them of toxins. Orange juices, plums, grapes, or any other fruit of those already mentioned are also appreciated.

Whole grains must accompany our usual dietary regime that must be composed of at least six daily servings of the aforementioned food series.

Other basic components of the pro-longevity strategy are the regular practice of physical exercises, which renew the youthful aspect of our figure; the maintenance of low levels of tension and stress; and the total cessation of addictions such as cigarettes, alcohol and drugs.

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