During the days of Christmas you usually eat many more calories than usual and that ends up translating into a considerable increase in weight. However, it is possible to enjoy these holidays in a healthy and balanced way without having to think about the extra kilos. Take note of the following tips that will help you eat in a totally healthy and fat-free way.
Learn to eat healthy during Christmas
+Prepare a menu with few dishes. Start by making a menu in which there are few dishes and that are balanced and healthy. This element is very important since in this way you can eat in a varied way and without exceeding your own consumption.
+Adequate amounts in each dish. The amounts of food in each dish should be necessary and thus avoid eating more than necessary. It is not advisable to fill the table with dishes with different foods, it is best to serve a dish to each diner with the corresponding food.
+ Satiating foods. Make dishes with foods that help satisfy hunger and in this way you will feel full with little food. The ideal is foods with a lot of proteins such as meat, dairy products, vegetables or whole grains.
+ Eat slowly and drink water. It is important to chew and eat slowly to get a good digestion and avoid excess calories. It is advisable to drink water while eating and thus satisfy hunger much faster.
+ Homemade sweets. When eating sweets, it is best to be homemade since they are healthier and do not contain trans fats and other additives that are harmful to health.