We know that the crisis affects all areas of our lives, but that the crisis is the cause of the increase in obesity is something easily avoidable. Economic problems cause many people to reduce spending on the shopping list and opt for cheaper foods, but also for less healthy ones.
However, it is still a misconception that eating healthy is more expensive. Logically there are not things to dine foie and seafood three times a week, but we do not have to give up a healthy diet for little money.
Why we eat so badly
It seems that the crisis is affecting our diet. Food prices have risen considerably, but for all foods, and while the consumption of fruits and vegetables is falling, that of ready-made foods has seen a notable increase. People complain about the amount of money it costs to fill the shopping cart and opt for packaged products, industrial pastries and fast food.
The truth is that all those precooked foods are the best allies of cholesterol, but the worst enemies of our health. And if you stop to think about it and compare prices, isn’t it cheaper to have a salad for dinner than a pizza for the whole family? Yes, the price of fruit and vegetables is through the roof, but so is fast food.
The predilection for fast food is causing an increase in the number of cases of obesity, a problem that must be fought, especially against childhood obesity, because an obese child is a sick adult. And we wonder if different governments should not be more actively involved in the regulation of food products.
Eating healthy is not expensive
However, from here we have always opted for a healthy diet, since it is the key not only to physical well-being, but it is also a key factor to maintain a good mood, even to preserve natural beauty. That is why we try every time to dismantle the myth that eating healthy is expensive, because it is not true and because junk food is not a healthy alternative.
This Christmas you may not be able to prepare a dinner with the typical lamb of every year, and you may have to give up those gourmet products that you always included to give your table a more exclusive touch, but that does not mean that you have to eat hamburgers and fries, because you can resort to some tricks to save eating healthy.
The secret is to search the market for all those seasonal products because they are the cheapest. It does not matter if you are not used to using them in your usual kitchen, on the contrary, it is a way to innovate in your daily menus and surprise your family. On the Internet you will find recipes for any food, so you no longer have an excuse to choose the healthiest and cheapest food.