Like home, nowhere. That maxim makes more sense than ever after knowing the data that have emerged from a recent study, carried out by the Federation of Independent Consumer Users (FUCI), to know the eating habits of consumers during their workday. This report, carried out in a total of 17 Spanish cities, estimates that the expenditure that Spaniards spend on meals away from home amounts to a total of 217 euros per month on average.
The cost increases in large cities
Despite the decrease that can mean in the daily routine, in the reconciliation of work with family life, without losing sight of the weight loss diets that we have launched during the winter months with the aim of arriving with a good type to the summer, the FUCI study establishes that six out of ten Spaniards eat away from home, not having enough time to return home. In turn, it indicates that this circumstance is more common in large cities, since you usually have to travel wider distances, than in smaller ones.
Although the monthly figure estimated by the FUCI report is the one mentioned, the cost suffers strong variations depending on the region we analyze. Thus, for example, eating menus of the day in Madrid can mean an average expenditure of about 280 euros per month, while in other cities such as Cáceres or Toledo that amount is reduced to only 180 euros on average.
Menu food is preferred
It seems to be a general guideline that Spaniards choose to eat from the menu, since a total of 58% of the people surveyed focus food in this line. On the other hand, around 4% prefer to eat à la carte while, at the same time, there is a progressive trend in workers who bring to their post the food already prepared in their own homes. By age, respondents between 18 and 35 years old mostly choose the cake, between 30 and 50 years prefer the menu of the day, while in the group of people over 50 we find a balance in both possibilities.
The choice of the type of dish varies according to the geographical area and is linked to the climate of the place. In this way, in the cities of the North they choose spoon dishes, while in the Levantine zone they have more preference for vegetables. Most diners select cheap restaurants close to their workplace, to the detriment of places where fast food is served.