Effective diet to relieve symptoms of colitis

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By pro_admin

Stomach pain is undoubtedly one of the most common, and the most unpleasant. It prevents us from properly enjoying food, alternates our diet and does not allow us to lead a normal life. Colitis is a fairly common digestive problem, but luckily its effects can be relieved quickly if you eat the right diet.

The colon is located in the large intestine, crossing the stomach, and its movements are responsible for displacing waste from the body. Colitis occurs when the colon becomes inflamed, something that can occur for various reasons: ulcers, viruses, bacterial, obstruction or nervous, one of the most common, produced by stress and anxiety.

What foods to eat to recover from colitis

Inflammation of the colon produces gas, stiffness and pain in the lower abdomen, which can lead to diarrhea or constipation. Colitis is much more common in women, and its exact cause is often unknown, so a proper diet is the best way to treat these symptoms.

Although depending on the effects of colitis, foods should be adjusted, as general recommendations it is recommended to avoid these foods: red meats, sausages, dairy products, legumes, cabbage, broccoli, onion, garlic, nuts, corn, coffee, tea, alcohol and spicy food.

Instead we can opt for fruits such as banana, papaya or peach, cooked or baked vegetables, egg proteins, lean meats (chicken and turkey) and grilled white fish, as well as carbohydrates from white rice or boiled pasta. In general, soft, low-fiber foods are recommended to prevent diarrhea and promote normal intestinal transit. New foods must be introduced one by one, including whole foods, until you recover a normal balanced diet once the symptoms have disappeared.

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