Essential foods to lower triglycerides

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By pro_admin

Triglycerides are a type of fat in the blood that are necessary for the body. However, if certain levels of them are exceeded it can lead to serious cardiovascular problems. To avoid this, there are a number of foods whose intake helps lower triglycerides leaving them at normal levels.

Foods to lower triglycerides

Salmon. Fish such as salmon, tuna or cod contain omega 3 fatty acids that help reduce triglycerides in the blood. A piece of salmon a week, in addition to being very healthy for the whole body, will also help you recover normal triglyceride levels.

Olive oil. Forget for a while butter and margerin since their intake will make their triglycerides go through the roof. The most advisable and healthy is olive oil. In addition to being highly beneficial for your body, it will help you reduce triglyceride levels.

Grapes. This fruit is ideal for lowering blood triglycerides. They contain a substance called pterostilbene that helps lower high triglyceride contents. Another fruit with this substance is blueberries, so you should include them in your daily diet.

Jewish. This food is very rich in fiber so beans are perfect for reducing triglycerides. That is why you should eat legumes and avoid other products high in fat and much less healthy.

Spinach. This green leafy vegetable contains alpha-lipoic acid that will help lower your body’s triglycerides. Other equally advisable foods are broccoli or Brussels sprouts. Fruits such as tomatoes, oranges or lemons are rich in alpha-lipoco acid so they can not be missing in your daily diet.

All these foods will help you lower triglycerides and you can return to normal levels of them.

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