Everything you need to know about the vegan diet

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By pro_admin

In recent years a large number of people have become aware of what they eat on a daily basis and have opted for healthy diets such as vegetarian or vegan. In the case of veganism, it must be said that it is an authentic lifestyle that pursues good health in people and respect for animal life.

What is the vegan diet?

The person who follows a vegan diet cannot consume any type of food that has animal origin, whether meat or fish or dairy products and derivatives such as cheese or eggs. There are many studies that have linked the consumption of animal-type fat with diseases as common as cancer or cardiovascular problems.

That is why the vegan diet promotes a totally healthy type of diet based on natural products such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes or vegetable oils. It is a healthy diet with numerous benefits for the body and seeks to protect the environment and the lives of animals.

The problem with the vegan diet lies in the lack of some nutrients found in meat, fish or milk. To counteract this lack of vitamins and nutrients, many vegans choose to take a series of food supplements when completing this diet. In many cases the lack of essential vitamin B12 usually causes health problems such as anemia, which is why it is important to go to a nutrition expert to advise you before starting the vegan diet.

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