Everything you need to know about vegan food

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By pro_admin

Vegan food has more and more followers and there are many people who opt for this type of diet. In the event that you have decided to start in this type of food it is important that you take good note of a series of tips to make this diet as healthy as possible.

Tips for starting a vegan meal

+Check your health. Vegan food is characterized among other things by suppressing protein-rich foods, so it is essential to check your health before starting veganism. In any case, before any change in your eating habits, it is convenient to go to a nutrition expert to advise you to make your diet as nutritious as possible.

+Essential items. Variety is the key when eating, so you can not miss foods such as legumes, fruits, vegetables or nuts. A strict vegan diet can cause a deficit in minerals as important as iron, zinc, calcium and vitamins such as B12 and D.

+Quality proteins. For this you must consume soy or soy products such as tofu, nuts, legumes and vegetables. It is essential to provide this type of protein to the body and prevent certain nutritional deficiencies.

+Beware of iron. When following a vegan diet, special care must be taken with possible iron deficiency, since it is a mineral that is difficult to absorb. To do this, in addition to consuming foods rich in iron, such as legumes or green vegetables, you should eat foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits.

+Control zinc. Zinc is another mineral that you should watch since it is mainly found in meat. To understand this nutritional deficit you must eat foods such as nuts, whole grains or legumes.

+Calcium. Calcium can be obtained through vegetables, legumes, nuts or tofu. You can also consume it through drinks such as soy milk or juices enriched with this mineral. That is why it is not recommended that pregnant and lactating women do not follow this type of diet since they should have their daily calcium dose either through dairy products or eggs. But as always, it’s best to consult your gynecologist or GP.

+Vitamin B12 supplements. If you decide to follow a vegan diet you run the risk of suffering from a vitamin B12 deficiency. It is an essential vitamin for good health of the nervous system. That is why you should take supplements that help you compensate for the lack of vitamin B12.

+Take vitamin D. This type of vitamin is essential when it comes to having healthy and strong bones and is obtained through dairy products or eggs. Vegans must get plenty of sunlight at the end of the day to get the vitamin. Supplements are recommended as long as they are prescribed by a doctor.

+Omega 3. Oily fish is one of the most important sources of omega 3 fats that exist. These fats help strengthen heart health. In addition to fish – salmon contains a lot of omega 3 – it can be obtained from nuts, avocado or extra virgin olive oil.

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