Pasta is one of the most consumed foods by children and adults worldwide. Being so well known has around it an infinity of myths and legends, many of them being false. One of the most popular false myths is that pasta is fattening. It is totally false, a diet the higher the carbohydrate content it has, the lower the body weight of the person who performs said diet. So we do not have to remove this food from our food base, we only have to control the excesses, both pasta and any other product, because that is really what makes you fat.
The myth falls: pasta does not make you fat
Compared to what has been believed for many years, eating pasta does not make us fat, but quite the opposite. If we still do not trust too much we can try wholemeal pasta, much healthier still. The pasta itself does not make you fat, what can get fat are the condiments and supplements that we add when cooking it. One hundred grams of pasta contain less than one gram of fat, however cheese does have much more fat. And the same happens when we add fried tomato, meat. cream, bacon etc. This is why it has always been believed that pasta is fattening, because of the amount of complementary foods that we throw to achieve a unique result.
Another advantage of this dish is that it satisfies our hunger and therefore makes us eat less. Why does this happen? Because it is a filling food, given its high percentage of gluten, which is like vegetable meat. So it is a very appetizing dish with a high satiating power. With a good plate of pasta Bolognese, for example, we could satisfy ourselves perfectly at lunchtime. And we would not need to eat any other food that could make us fatter and could become less healthy, such as pizza or fried. The best thing we can do is cook our pasta dish with vegetables, such as onion, carrot, etc. In this way we will get a healthy and healthy meal, which will satisfy us until snack time.