The myths and legends about food have been passed from mouth to mouth to this day. Many of them are very old and others we have been generating in the XXI century itself, where stress increases by the second while decreasing the time available to cook and dedicate to ourselves. All this has made the myths gain strength and that we believe one hundred percent if they tell us that a food that does not need to be cooked feeds just like a plate of chickpeas.
You don’t play with food
Good nutrition is as important for our health as being able to sleep 8 hours a day or drink 2 liters of water every day. We will hear a lot about miracle diets, foods that lose weight or fasting days that have a wonderful result. But we can not pay attention to everything, it is best that if you want to lose weight or know something about certain foods you have to go to a specialist, either a doctor or a nutritionist who can explain to you in an accurate way what is good and what is bad. In addition, the well-being of a person around health depends on his organism, there is no universal premise that serves everyone equally.
Some of the most common myths and legends, which address our society on an almost daily basis, and which are flatly false are the following. As much as we sell light products as ideal for our diet and to lose weight we should not fall into the trap, these products in abundance fatten just like normal ones. These products are somewhat lower in fat, calories or salts, but that does not mean that they do not fatten. Everything in abundance makes you fat and is not, in any case, good for our health. Despite what is commonly said, when a woman is breastfeeding everything she eats will directly affect milk. Therefore, on many occasions if the mother eats garlic, broccoli or raw onions, for example, the milk will be much more bitter. In this way, you should be careful and consult with your doctor, since not all products are recommended for babies.
On many occasions we will hear that bread and pasta are fattening and that every diet should leave aside these two foods to achieve a good result. Best of all, this is not true, in fact the opposite has to be done. They are basic foods in our diet, so it is recommended that it be included in the diet daily. Both belong to the group of starches and constitute the pyramid of healthy eating, for this reason they can not disappear from our meals. What you do have to be careful with is what we add, since oils, mayonnaise and creams are fatty and is, precisely, what we have to consume the least.