One of the most widespread myths, coming from the eating routines that we self-impose without consulting nutrition experts, is the one that concludes that dining only fruit helps to lose weight. This is not only false but it is possible that some of us find ourselves with the unpleasant surprise of having taken some other kilo following this pattern.
If we dine only fruit, we will not be able to, in any case, eliminate fat deposits if during the rest of the day we eat what we want without taking any control. To achieve weight loss it is important to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly.
Incidence of fruit at dinner
Fruits are foods that have a very specific nutritional composition. They are made up of carbohydrates, fiber, water, vitamins (A and C), folic acid, antioxidants and minerals such as potassium and magnesium. For this reason, they are still a complement to food, so if we choose to dine and stop taking other foods that provide proteins or even fats there is a possibility that we are negatively affecting processes such as the creation of muscle tissue.
The truth is that taking fruit at dinner does not make you fatter more than taking it at another time of the day, that is, it provides the same calories regardless of the time chosen to consume them. However, these types of foods contain significant amounts of sugar, so consuming them excessively – more than 3 or 4 pieces a day – can generate imbalances in our daily nutrition.
Another added problem is that our body uses the sugars provided by fruit as energy. In this way, if we consume them at breakfast or mid-morning, we can release this energy quickly. On the other hand, if we take the fruits at dinner, their consumption will be carried out more gradually since our pace of life decreases considerably with respect to the rest of the day.
In short, it is advisable to moderate and balanced consumption of fruits, provided that they are integrated into the articulation of an adequate diet and accompanied by foods that complement the nutrients that our body needs in the daily routine.