One of the main food phenomena that came together with the last decades of the last century was the expansion of light or dietary products. The myth comes, in this case, through a double way since these do not always help to maintain or lower body weight or to follow a nutrition that can be considered healthy.
Marketing, through advertising campaigns, or incomplete labeling often offer inaccurate and / or misleading information causing confusion among consumers. Many women massively opt for light products believing that, in this way, they will be able to maintain the line on the assumption that they will eat a lower amount of calories, or more natural foods.
Not all light foods are low in calories
A common confusion lies in thinking that all products that are marketed under the light label are low in calories. For a food to have this consideration, its energy value must be reduced by at least 30% compared to the whole or normal product. However, it is usually common that we do not pay attention to this data and buy indistinctly the foods labeled in this way.
This means that a product that, in its normal format, has many calories, in its light version, with a reduction as indicated above, may not offer a noticeable improvement in this regard. It is advisable, therefore, that before consuming any type of light food we identify what type of product it is through its label and assess, in each case, if it is possible to insert it into the weight loss diet that we are carrying out.
The inclusion of this type of light food in a diet is not indicative that it will help us lose weight. If we tend to consume them in an unbalanced way, it is possible that we can create diseases and disorders in our body. Eating a small amount of calories in the form of proteins, carbohydrates or fats, without proper medical supervision, can cause hypertension, gastric or kidney problems.