False myths: vitamin C prevents colds

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By pro_admin

Another of the great remedies of our mothers and grandmothers is usually to resort to the well-intentioned recommendation that, especially in winter season, we take many foods rich in vitamin C. There is an important tendency to think that, in this way, we can avoid colds and other types of infections of the respiratory system. Do these assumptions have a scientific basis or are we facing another false myth?

Vitamin C and colds

Recent analyses have shown that, for most people, the daily intake of vitamin C has such negligible effects that, in reality, it is not worth the outlay and effort that it requires. Specifically, scientific researchers from the Australian National University and the University of Helsinki conducted in 2007 more than 30 studies, involving a total of 11,350 people, in which this lightness was established in the real benefits of this vitamin on colds and flu.

The aforementioned studies estimated that taking this compound, in the most optimistic scenarios, would reduce the duration of colds around a maximum of 11 or 12 days a year. In the case of children under 12 years of age, these figures would rise to a maximum of 28 days.

The myth comes from the 70s, in which several scientists theorized that the consumption of 1000 milligrams of vitamin C daily helped protect against this type of infections in the respiratory tract. However, there has never been enough data to test this hypothesis and, in addition, it has generated much controversy and little consensus. Depending on the doctor or nutrition expert, the recommended amount to ingest can range from 60 milligrams to 200 milligrams.

Other Benefits of Vitamin C

Although the value of vitamin C has really been overestimated as a palliative component of respiratory diseases, we must not forget that it is a substance that provides a lot of benefits to our body.

Along with the aforementioned reduction in the intensity and duration of various infections of the respiratory system, vitamin C facilitates tissue healing, is a powerful antioxidant that prevents premature aging, reverses and eliminates a certain degree of sun damage and reduces inflammation.

On the other hand, this vitamin prevents the appearance of cataracts and improves vision. It also helps patients with certain variants of diabetes to reduce their negative consequences on our body. It is also suitable for regulating the hormonal production of the thyroid and favors the maintenance of the immune system in good condition.

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