Five Foods That Improve Eye Health

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By pro_admin

A good diet is key to avoid health problems and strengthen the body. One of the parts of the body that you should protect the most are the eyes. There are a number of foods that thanks to a series of specific properties will help you achieve perfect eyesight and improve the health of your eyes. Take note of these 5 foods that you should include in your usual diet to strengthen the health of your eyes and avoid future eye problems.

Five Foods for Healthier Eyesight

Spinach. Spinach is a perfect food to improve the health of your eyes. They are rich in a substance called lutein that helps improve vision and prevent future eye diseases. In addition, spinach contains carotenoids so its intake prevents the risk of contracting some type of cancer in the future.

Sweet potato. Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin A and C can not miss in your diet if you want to improve the health of your eyes. Sweet potato is perfect for your eyes as it is an excellent source of vitamin A. The carrot is another excellent option since it is also quite rich in vitamin A.

Eggs. Eggs are another ideal food for healthier eyesight. They are rich in zinc and are also an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids and lutein. All of them are very beneficial nutrients for your eyes.

Olive oil. Olive oil, whether virgin or extra, is rich in vitamins A, D, E and K. In addition, its intake favors the absorption of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. This is perfect for good eye vision and preventing future problems.

Apricots. This delicious fruit is a good source of beta carotene and lycopene, two carotenoids that can help promote good vision and improve the health of your eyes.

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