After the long school year come the well-deserved holidays for the little ones. The routine gives way to rest and relaxation, also in the nutritional aspect.
The tranquility and comfort offered to parents by the canteen services of schools can become a headache for those who, during the summer months, must assume the responsibility of maintaining the habits and food discipline acquired throughout the course.
From Scolarest, a brand specialized in school catering that serves 160,000 schoolchildren in our country and belonging to the Compass Group, leader in restoration in Spain and in the world, emphasizes the importance of continuing during the summer holidays with a healthy, varied and balanced diet, respecting the number and schedule of meals and maintaining the practice of physical activity.
We can take advantage of the time we will spend with our children to apply some simple tips that expert nutritionists give us and that will help them maintain the good habits achieved throughout the course:
– Maintain orderly meal times avoiding pecking between meals . Children should make three main meals and two lighter meals with established schedules, maintaining a good breakfast composed of milk, cereals, juices or fruits since this is still the most important meal of the day. In the snack we can offer foods such as cookies, milk shakes, fruit juices or sandwiches.
– Increase the consumption of fresh and seasonal foods, such as summer fruits and vegetables in gazpachos and salads, avoiding hot and copious meals. Legumes, largely forgotten at this time of year, are still an essential part of the diet and we can cook them, for example, in salads.
– Increase water consumption, since with high temperatures the body needs to stay perfectly hydrated. Offer plenty of fluids, without abusing sugary and/or carbonated drinks, often even if they are not thirsty.
– We must cook food well, wash and disinfect fruits and vegetables that are going to be consumed raw, as well as try to use packaged mayonnaise.
– Maintain the rhythm of physical activity as a fundamental part of a healthy lifestyle. Summer offers a multitude of options such as the beach, the pool or the bicycle for our children to move and exercise stimulates their appetite.
With these five simple tips we will help our children to maintain the progress made in the school canteen throughout the year and avoid eating disorders typical of summer.