Five types of diet you should not do

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By pro_admin

Not all diets are good and healthy for the body, which is why you have to be very careful with the diet chosen to lose weight. If you think you have a few extra kilos and you are thinking of starting a weight loss plan, do not miss a detail of the following five diets that you should not do as they pose a serious risk to health and the body.

Five diets you should avoid doing

Mono diets. This type of diet based on a single food is totally inadvisable because they are unbalanced, low in calories and with a lot of lack of nutrients. You should avoid diets such as pineapple, lemon or apple as they have a dangerous rebound effect.

500 calorie diet. It is a fairly popular diet that consists of doing a couple of fasting days during the week with an intakes of a maximum of 500 calories. This type of low-calorie diet can cause serious health problems such as anemia or osteoporosis.

Diet of protein sachets. This type of diet replaces normal food with protein-rich sachets. According to nutritionists it is a totally unbalanced diet and poses a real risk to health so it is totally inadvisable.

Diet of smoothies. It is a type of diet that is based on the consumption of smoothies and juices based on fruit and vegetables. These products are rich in minerals and vitamins while on the contrary they are deficient in proteins and fats. It is a perfect diet to purify and cleanse the body, but it should not be done for more than two days.

Zero carb diet. It is a very popular diet among celebrities and conssite in limiting carbohydrate intake as much as possible. This fact poses a real danger to health since carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body and their lack can cause fatigue, dizziness and headaches. 

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