Food: fluid retention in summer

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By pro_admin

Fluid retention is a very common disease in people and among the most common causes is heat. The summer months are very conducive for you to retain lichids and suffer severe pain in your legs. Fortunately, a rich and balanced diet can help you eliminate such fluids and improve your health significantly. Take note of the following foods that will allow you to say goodbye to fluid retention during the summer months.

Foods that help you eliminate fluid retention in summer

 –Watermelon. The star fruit of summer is an excellent diuretic due to the large amount of water it contains. It is a very low-calorie fruit and is also rich in vitamin C and B. As if that were not enough, it is an excellent source of a substance called lycopene, which helps prevent the risk of getting cancer.

Onion. The onion is a food that stands out for its excellent therapeutic properties among them is the elimination of excess fluids in the body. That is why you can not miss in your daily diet and take it raw or in a salad.

Green tea. This drink with countless benefits for your body is an excellent diuretic that will help you eliminate excess fluids in your body. You can take it cold or hot and it is perfect for burning fat so it will help you lose some extra kilos.

Grapefruit. This fruit is characterized by having a series of properties that help purify the body of toxins and impurities and combat fluid retention. It is highly recommended to take it on an empty stomach either naturally or in juice.

Water. Believe it or not, the elimination of liquids is achieved by drinking plenty of fluids. Drinking about 2 liters of water a day will help you purify the body. Another equally good and healthy option is to drink coffee or some type of infusion.

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