If you are determined to eat well, you should incorporate into your day to day a diet that is rich and balanced. It is necessary to provide the body with the necessary nutrients so that it can function perfectly and without problems. Take note of the different food groups that are part of this balanced diet and incorporate them into your diet so that you can eat everything and your body receives what it really needs.
Food groups that are part of the balanced diet
–Starches. This group includes foods such as bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, legumes and cereals. They are foods that provide a large amount of energy to the body in the form of complex carbohydrates. The most advisable thing is to take it in an integral way since they provide much more fiber and are richer in minerals such as magnesium and iron.
–Vegetables. These foods are essential just like fruits. They should be eaten daily both raw and cooked. They are rich in numerous nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and fiber. In addition, they are rich in numerous antioxidants and have very few calories.
–Fruits. Together with vegetables, fruits are a very important part of this food pyramid. They are rich in simple carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, and fiber. It is advisable to consume at least 3 pieces each day to provide the necessary nutrients to the body.
–Dairy products. This group includes foods such as milk, cheese or yogurt. They are products that provide a lot of calcium, high-value proteins and B vitamins. The intake of these products is essential during growth, pregnancy or from an advanced age.
–Meats. This group includes meat, fish, eggs and poultry. They are high in protein, iron and vitamins. Despite being healthy for the body, they should be taken moderately and never in excess. It is advisable to take about two servings a day.