Gout is a disease that is caused by excess uric acid in the blood, causing it to accumulate in the joints producing great pain. To avoid these strong gout pains, good nutrition has a very important role and there are a number of foods that you should avoid eating at all costs since their intake is totally contraindicated for high levels of uric acid in the blood.
What foods you should avoid eating if you suffer from gout
If you have elevated uric acid and have severe joint pain caused by gout, the food you should completely eliminate from your daily diet is seafood. There is no food that produces more uric acid in the body than prawns, prawns, Norway lobsters or razor clams.
Another food that you should eliminate from your diet due to being totally counterproductive to uric acid are organ meats such as liver, brains or kidneys. Although oily fish is highly healthy for the body due to its healthy fats, the intake of salmon, sardines or tuna is not good in the event that you suffer from gout. To do this, it is best to replace it with white fish and avoid future problems.
Although meat consumption is not bad, you should take it carefully and without overdoing it. In this way you should eat pork or lamb with caution, while with chicken or turkey you should not have a problem. In relation to drinks, you should be careful not to drink too much alcohol as it contains high levels of uric acid and moderate coffee consumption.
These are some foods that you should avoid eating in the event that you suffer from gout and your uric acid levels are above normal.