There are always people who tolerate heat better than others but, without a doubt, we all sweat. Those who do it more seek to get under the air conditioning, wear clothes that do not give heat or mark or even carry fans or handkerchiefs by hand to dry sweat. And this is a companion that nobody likes. However, what many do not know is that there are certain foods that help you sweat less.
The relationship between diet and excessive sweating
Food can lend you a hand in controlling sweating. On the one hand, sweating too much can be an indication that we have an excess of food. We sweat what we eat. The solution to this is to eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, in addition to drinking plenty of water. This will mean that, in addition to sweating less, our sweat does not smell especially bad.
At other times, overeating is not the problem but some of the foods we include in it. There are foods that make us warm or sweat more (regardless of whether they are hot or cold), such as alcohol or hot spices.
This is also the other way around. There are some other foods that, due to their composition and what they contribute to the body, can help us sweat less. Do you want to know what they are? We’ll tell you!
Foods to sweat less
To begin with, we must make it clear that sweat is a way to regulate our body temperature, it makes us reduce it. But, at the same time, it makes us feel uncomfortable. Therefore, take note of the following foods and incorporate them into your diet.
1Whole grains
In addition to providing you with a lot of fiber, they contain vitamins, help reduce anxiety and prevent sweating.
Swapping, for example, whole milk (which contains more fat) for skim milk can help us sweat less. On the one hand because in its components there are vitamins and calcium that will help you with sweating in addition to strengthening your bones. Second, because it does not contain certain components (which whole milk does) that make the body work hard to process them. Also eat skimmed yogurt or soft and/or fresh cheese, better than cured.
3Brewer’s yeast
Add a handful to the yogurt to eat it accompanied and it will help you sweat less. This food contains many properties that help enhance the deodorant effect.
You’ve heard it thousands of times: you have to drink water daily, regularly throughout the day. It helps fight dehydration, regulates body temperature and controls sweating. Always have a bottle of water handy and force yourself to drink small sips throughout the day. If it costs you a lot maybe you can make lemon juice with a lot of water so that it costs you less to drink it.
As we have said before, eating healthy helps to sweat less. Fresh fruits and smoothies will help us eat healthy, stay hydrated and regulate our temperature.
Like fruits, vegetables that can be eaten without grilling or roasting have deodorizing effects and will provide freshness, energy and water.
If you want to sweat less, in addition to eliminating those foods that make you sweat more and include the ones we just told you in your diet, experts recommend exercising regularly. This will be a way to eliminate sweat naturally.