Foods that improve testosterone levels

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By pro_admin

Testosterone is a hormone that plays an important role within male sexuality and reproduction in this way affects factors such as sexual and reproductive function, muscle mass or hair growth. With age, testosterone levels begin to reduce although there are also other elements such as stress or bad habits that only aggravate this decrease. Next I am going to talk about a series of foods that will help you raise and improve testosterone levels in your body.

What to eat to improve testosterone levels

Avocado. This wonderful fruit, in addition to having numerous nutrients, is rich in vitamin B6 that acts as a regulator in the production of testosterone in the body of men. If your testosterone levels are low, don’t hesitate to incorporate avocados into your regular diet.

Lean meat. Lean meat is an essential food when it comes to improving testosterone levels because it is rich in protein, iron, magnesium, zinc and saturated fats. Proteins are nutrients that help improve testosterone. However, you should not abuse the intake of this type of meat since excess saturated fats for the body is not healthy.

Eggs. As I mentioned before, proteins are essential to improve testosterone levels in the blood. In addition, eggs are rich in vitamin D which also helps the production of testosterone.

Plantain. Banana is a fruit rich in vitamin B and potassium, essential nutrients in the production of healthy male hormones. Bananas also contain an enzyme called bromelain that helps stimulate male libido and provides large doses of energy.

Broccoli. The intake of this healthy vegetable helps increase the production of testosterone in the body by eliminating excess estrogen. This excess is usually the cause of low testosterone levels in male bodies.

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