Foods that influence mood

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By pro_admin

Eating ice cream helps us stay happy. Its tryptophan content increases serotonin levels, that hormone that is considered the well-being. Like eating fish, which also reduces aggressiveness, ice cream helps us relax and sleep better. And it is that many foods are reflected in our emotional state. That is why sometimes we want to eat certain things, according to our mood in what is known as “emotional appetite”.

Why do foods influence mood?

As we are happy, sad, bored or euphoric, we want some foods more than others. If we are sad we tend to eat ice cream or cookies, if we are bored, we fancy chips, and so on with different moods. Many people think that this appetite is a cultural fact caused by the traditions of each one, but the truth is that the basis of this behavior is biological.

We owe our mood swings to serotonin, a hormone that is also related to our sleep cycle. The concentration of serotonin in the brain is what determines whether we are sadder or happier, more or less relaxed, and determines our mood and affection. The fact is that serotonin is concentrated in the brain from tryptophan, an essential amino acid that is obtained through food.

Foods that encourage us

When serotonin levels drop we feel distressed, sad, sleep badly, even certain obsessive tendencies may appear, and those states encourage us to eat sweets, because our brain is looking for the tryptophan necessary to regulate serotonin.

Of course this is a basic outline of how our appetite works and, above all, our “emotional appetite”, but, leaving aside serious eating disorders, we can now understand why we sometimes have the urgent need to eat an ice cream.

So, for example, when we are distressed we turn to chocolate, and when we are nervous to milk. Fish and meat proteins help you concentrate better on an exam and carbohydrates greatly improve mood. Of course, if the goal is to feel better, it is advisable to reduce sugar and consume other sources of carbohydrates such as cereals or fresh fruit.

Experts give us a series of dietary tips in certain situations:

– In a stressful situation, consume sesame seeds.

– In front of restlessness, popcorn before bedtime.

– In states of decay, grilled fish, clams or sushi.

– Faced with insecurity, chocolate.

– In the face of confusion or bad memory, red fruits.

We can not forget the water, because if it is not taken in abundance, we can feel exhaustion and decay.

In any case, maintain a stable mood, without too many ups and downs that lead us to binge on various foods, it is best to include all the nutrients in our daily diet. A healthy and varied diet will make serotonin levels in order and that is what will make us feel good.

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